Monday, May 4, 2009

A Rant On a Hot Day. (also a little bit about House MD)

I've been watching House since I got home from least six episodes, at about an hour an episode. If it was any other show I'd probably be hurling by now. Thank God for the inexplicable hotness of Hugh Laurie.

I've been thinking about the different methods people use to validate their lives to themselves. Some people buy only the most high end clothes and shoes, just to decorate their closets like the set of a fashion shoot. Some people "find God", completely immersing themselves in not just religious beliefs but showing off those religious beliefs, simultaneously acting like they're better than everyone and trying to convert as many people as possible. Some people devote themselves to their relationships, taking great pleasure in broadcasting to the whole world that they have a significant other and/or children, and that anybody who doesn't must be pitied; never mind that some people would rather be alone than have to settle for the first person who will date them, just to say that they're in a relationship.

What's bringing this on? Well, lately I've been thinking about the past, specifically my time at Foster High School. Anyway, it occured to me that a lot of people I went to school with are either pregnant, currently have kids, engaged or married, or have found God. (Or all of the above.) And some of those people have actually bragged that their lives are more "fulfilled" then mine.

Really. Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with any of those things they're finding so much enjoyment in. But it seems like if you're a married pregnant 19 year old who already had a child with another person, maybe you should be trying to find other ways to add meaning to your life, and maybe you shouldn't condemn people who don't feel the same way. Thinking a baby or a relationship or a religion will solve all your problems if you make it the whole point of your existence is not healthy, nor will it actually work.

One more thing left to say before I go back to watching House: it's great you have something in your life you feel proud of, but remember, you had a life before it, and you'll have a life after it. Acting like everything's a 100% awesome now indicates that it was less than that before, which includes everyone in it. And I don't care how "enlightened" you feel right now, that's no excuse for you to be a patronizing asshole to someone because you now think your life is better than theirs.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine SUCKS.

Man, I was actually really looking forward to watching that movie...and it turned out crap-tastic as ever, in both story and action sequences. Poop on a stick with a brick on a dick.

What a retarded ass movie. I can't believe I spent money on it.