Friday, August 21, 2009

Lately I've discovered I have a thing for Indian guys.

It's true.

Just got home from work. Tired but happy. Why? Just got my paycheck AND have the whole weekend off. Gonna get my hair done, my eyebrows waxed--go all out and spend a weekend doting on myself. I definately need it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Green Team!

Just watched the "Green Team!" video, on Will Ferrell's Funny or Die website. That shit was hilarious, son!! LMFAO

I've been meaning to get back to blogging, but I've been so damn busy. There's beens some new stuff happening in my life, and let's not forget that I work nonstop, which though exhausting is still better than the alternative (having plenty of free time, but also having no money whatsoever).

I'm not sure how I feel about my job. There's plenty of good things about it. For the most part, I love my coworkers. I work with coffee and ice cream all day, which is fun in itself. My customers are mostly international tourists, which is super interesting. Gets even better when they are hot British/Australian/Indian/etc dudes who wink at me and give me big tips. One group of British soccer players even referred to me as the "cute ice cream girl" and asked what time I got off!!!!!!!! HOTNESSS

But the bad things, though few, are still pretty big. For one, I hate the owner of the place. She is incredibly disrespectful and very very cheap, which is an awful combination. Example: I've worked ten hour shifts with only one break...and its not a paid break! When I tried to talk to her about this, she called me lazy! The bitch shows up once every couple of days for only an hour, and she's calling me lazy?

And her husband--he's from Morocco, and hates black people. This isn't an assumption, this is a fact confirmed by all my coworkers who've told me to watch out for him. He makes only the few black people who work there do all the heavy manual labor. I hate how he looks at me, like he's just looking for a reason to fire me. That's why I'm always on my toes right when I enter the building; I work my ass off just so they'll consider me capable enough to work there.

With all this on my brain, I've got no time for extraneous douchebaggery. This is why I've cut all ties with this guy I've been seeing. He's canceled on me four times in two months, and then he's going to act like I should be at home waiting for him anyway?? Calling me up saying, "I'm sorry about canceling on you today, but I'm going to come over to your house tomorrow to make up for it." The audacity! Not even asking if I'm actually free that day. He really thinks I'm going to be sitting at home every day, just waiting for him to drop by and spend some time wtih me. Hell to the no. I've got my own life to live.

Well, on my few days off, at least I have Will Ferrell videos and Fresh Prince of Bel Aire youtube clips to cheer me up. :)