Saturday, July 17, 2010

The only thing worse than a narcissist is a cowardly one.

Word, son.

I can't believe I'm having so much trouble finding a job. I know I was going through this same thing last summer, but I don't remember feeling so overwhelmingly hopeless about it, like I do now. I think it's cause the living situation has gotten so much worse for me, and that's added stress on top of the whole unemployment panic.

Pray for me, guys.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Cleveland, do not smack her."

Yoooo! Been a long damn time since I added to this blog.

Not my fault, though. The times have been hectic for me, in all areas of my life, from college to the family. It's been mostly the bad kind of hectic, but there's been a few things that have worked out well for me. Thank god too, because a person can tolerate only so much bullshit. I'm only human, after all.

Speaking of which, how many second chances are you obligated to give someone before you're allowed to smack the hell out of her? As Donna from The Cleveland Show once put it, "I will slap the white off a bitch." I'm beginning to think I should start slapping the black off a certain bitch in my life. Again, I'm only human.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Working on something. It's going really well. Most excited I've been since...can't even remember the last time I was this excited!! Pray for me, everyone!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

School Daze pt.2

Hiding out in the computer lab right now. Tired. Anxious. Need coffee. Need breakfast. Not going to get either right now, cause I can't afford it.

I have a Statistics class, a math 115 class, and a upper level Psych class this quarter. That means I am stressed the fuck out. These classes are hardcore. So I don't want to work this quarter, to focus on school. The thing is, I'm broke as a joke. I have bills to pay, and groceries to buy, and all that money I saved up during the summer is flitting away faster than...well....I'm too tired to think of a good simile.

I need a job because I need money. But I need to focus on school because I'm struggling enough as it is without a job, and having a job will take more time away from studying and cause me even more stress. However, it is causing me stress not having a job and not being able to pay for bills. It appears time to study is a luxury I can't afford.

What am I supposed to do?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

"It's a...hellhole."

How could I have forgotten how awful Cheney is? Did I have such an eventful, weird summer that it somehow slipped my mind that going back to Eastern is a rediculously bad idea?

But its like Senayt said, I'm not a lost cause yet. Before I get sucked into this vortex of despair, loneliness, and Republicanism that is Eastern Washington University, I have to remember why I'm here in the first place. Get in, get my degree, get out. Once I do that I can get back to the real world.

In the meantime there are things here that can distract me. Working on my screenplay. Friends in Spokane to go out with, take me away from EWU for a few days of fun. In fact, I think I'll do that this weekend.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

school daze.

Going back to school this week. Yup, it's that time of year again; when I grab my crap and high-tail my ass back to college. There are times when I've really dreaded it, and there were times when my fam was driving me so crazy that I really looked forward to it. This year I've got mixed feelings about it.

Actually I've got no feelings about it. I'm not dreading it, but I'm not looking forward to it either. It There's nothing I can do about it; I'm going back there whether I like it or not. It's like I'm resigned to my fate, but with even less emotion behind it, because resignation means some decision's been made on my part. I feel completely blank about this.

That's not normal, is it?

Thursday, September 3, 2009


It's really not that big a deal, homie! I'm just trying to keep it friendly, not trying to stalk you or anything. Since when does cordiality garner outright avoidance and disrespect? You don't need to ignore me like I'm some kind of high school groupie with a crush on the star quarterback. Just because I'm polite doesn't mean I'm in love with you.

Are you really that afraid of me or something? Get a grip!