Thursday, October 15, 2009

School Daze pt.2

Hiding out in the computer lab right now. Tired. Anxious. Need coffee. Need breakfast. Not going to get either right now, cause I can't afford it.

I have a Statistics class, a math 115 class, and a upper level Psych class this quarter. That means I am stressed the fuck out. These classes are hardcore. So I don't want to work this quarter, to focus on school. The thing is, I'm broke as a joke. I have bills to pay, and groceries to buy, and all that money I saved up during the summer is flitting away faster than...well....I'm too tired to think of a good simile.

I need a job because I need money. But I need to focus on school because I'm struggling enough as it is without a job, and having a job will take more time away from studying and cause me even more stress. However, it is causing me stress not having a job and not being able to pay for bills. It appears time to study is a luxury I can't afford.

What am I supposed to do?

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