Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seth Rogan is surprisingly ugly and more than a little overrated.

It's true. I just heard about his beef with Adrien Grenier and the cast of Entourage. Seth, give up. They are more talented and FAR better looking than you are. You just can't win this one.

I'm hiding out in the library right now. Why? Cause it's 105 degrees outside. It's fucking HOT. And everybody knows I can't take heat well. I can't even flat-iron my hair without breaking out into hives. (Figuratively speaking.) Anyway, not only is this place air-conditioned, it's filled with books and wi-fi and all kinds of things to distract me.

So I grabbed a day's worth of shit to keep me busy and came to the local library. I am intent on staying here until it gets dark; I even packed a lunch.

I'm glad I had the last couple of days off, to be able to do this. As much as I like my new job, I wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing, as suffocating as this heat is. Yesterday I nearly passed out. I was laying on the carpet downstairs and I think I was actually unconcious for a few minutes. Fucking scary, son.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Skiddly Bop!

I got a job, peoples!! Which equals money. Which equals buying enough groceries to be able to last the house more than a week, helping the 'rents pay the mortgage and electricity, and things of that nature. Plus a little money in the pocket for things for myself, like shopping for new clothes--I need a new wardrobe because I've been losing weight!! True, it's due more to stress than anything else, but still. I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere here.

FINALLY. Things are looking up.

And in the spirit of awesome things, I'm going to end this blog with a funny clip from Living Single...g'damn I love Max!

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's hard out here for a pimp...and I'm no pimp.

Man, things are rough right now.

Money is tight with the 'rents, tighter than its ever been. So I decided to move back home to help out. Sure, I enjoyed the freedom of having my own place 5 hours away from home, probably more than I've ever enjoyed anything; but if the family needs me, I'm more than happy to oblige.

The thing is, there are NO jobs in Seattle right now. I've worn my feet out walking all over downtown, turning in resume after resume. I'm honestly not trying to brag, but I do have plenty of even the most basic customer service experience, which means I'm actually overqualified to work at some of the places I've recently applied to. Which makes them not even calling me back for an interview doubly humiliating. Argh.

To add to that, the 'rents aren't making this situation any easier. I am well aware of how stressed out they are right now, and that they're not going to be in the best of moods. But I came all the way out there to help THEM! I'm suffering like this for THEM! Can I get a little aknowledgement, some kind of appreciative gesture? At least can they stop treating me like a damn four year old and see me as more of an adult??

Man, this weather doesn't help either. It's been hot as hell the last couple of weeks, and my body doesn't react well to it; I get migranes and body aches. Though that could be due to stress. Egad.